Summer Intern Spotlight | Zoé Gagné | Survey Intern

We are excited to welcome Zoé Gagné to our Survey-Geomatics team as a summer intern! Zoé attended Lone Star Community College in Texas, pursuing a degree in Land Surveying and Mapping Technology. She has returned to Maine and is now enrolled in the Surveying Engineering program at the University of Maine, with an anticipated graduation date of December 2026. Zoé brings great enthusiasm and dedication to our team, and we are thrilled to welcome her to Sebago Technics.

What inspired you to join Sebago Technics?

Everyone’s enthusiasm.

Can you share a bit about your educational background and experience?

I started an Associate’s Degree in land surveying and mapping technology at Lone Star Community College in Texas and then I transferred to University of Maine, Orono as a Sophomore in their Surveying Engineering Technology program.

What do you love most about living in Maine?

All the easily accessible nature.

What are you most excited about in your internship role?

I’m most excited about being able to physically apply what I have learned in school so far and gaining more experience and knowledge and growing into a new career and personal development.

What’s your go-to local restaurant or café in Maine?

If Aroma Joe’s counts as a café. I go there everyday

What skills or strengths do you bring to your position?

My willingness and motivation to learn.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work? Any hobbies or interests you’d like to share?

I like to play guitar, dirt biking, reading, and roller skating.

Do you have a favorite spot or activity to do in Maine?

My favorite spot is Camp Ellis.

Can you share a fun fact or something unique about yourself that colleagues might not know?

My family is French Canadian and I’m fluent in French.

What are your career goals, and how do you see Sebago Technics helping you achieve them?

I eventually want to become licensed, and everyone so far seems willing to help put me on that path.

Have you explored any of Maine’s beautiful hiking trails or national parks? Which one is your favorite?

I haven’t gotten out as much as I would like to, but I enjoy hiking Bradbury Mountain.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Probably Italy because I was supposed to go in 2020 but had to cancel because of COVID

Do you have any kids and/or pets? Tell us about them!

I have two rabbits. A Mini Lop named Baby and a Netherland Dwarf named Pumpkin.

What was your first impression of the company culture at Sebago Technics?

Everyone seems to get along really well and really enjoy their jobs.

What’s one thing on your bucket list that you’re determined to accomplish?

Go dirt biking in New Mexico.

Have you attended any local festivals or events? Which one did you enjoy the most?

When they had the Old Port Festival, I enjoyed going to that.

What’s a hidden gem in Maine that you think everyone should visit?

For outdoorsy folk, definitely Salmon Falls in Buxton.

What projects or tasks are you looking forward to working on at Sebago Technics?

I look forward to doing recon work.