Employee-Owner Spotlight | Casey Dumont | Survey Technician

Please join us in welcoming Casey Dumont to the Sebago Technics team as our newest Survey Technician! With a degree in Forestry from the University of Maine, Casey studied forestry resource management, surveying, remote sensing, geographic coordinate geometry, applied GIS, GPS/GIS layout, and deed research. She is excited to grow her survey career with us. Welcome aboard, Casey!

Where did you grow up and what other places have you lived in throughout your life?

I have spent most of my life in Windham, and I briefly resided in Old Town after completing my bachelor’s degree at UMaine before moving back south to Cumberland County.

Favorite place(s) to go in Maine?

My favorite place is where there aren’t a lot of people. More specifically, the Katahdin Iron Works gate of the NMW in the fall. Camping there is remote, the leaves are changing, the air is crisp, fish are biting, and partridge are flying.

What was your very first job, and what did you learn from it?

My very first job was working at Subway in High School. I worked as a closer with my sister and I learned that teamwork makes work enjoyable and productive.

What are your hobbies outside the office?

All my hobbies generally involve the outdoors. I enjoy camping, fishing, snowboarding, hunting, hiking, canoeing, basically anything with my dog.

What inspired you to work for Sebago Technics?

What inspired me was the opportunity to work in my field again. When I started the interview process, I was thrilled by the friendliness of everyone I met. The culture here is so welcoming and supportive and I’m excited to be a part of it!

Favorite thing to do in Maine?

I love going on adventures with my dog Rosie. Our next planned adventure is a 3-day canoe trip in Western Maine.

If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Ice cream.

If you were an animal what would you be and why?

I’d be a platypus because they are an anomaly.

Where would you like to go on a dream vacation?

I’d love to go back to Alaska.

What is the best concert you attended?

Shinedown at the Colisee in Lewiston.

What are your favorite ways to enjoy the outdoors with friends and family?

Sitting around a fire or on the lake.

When you think about working at Sebago Technics, what makes you proudest or most excited?

I’m excited to be part of such a supportive and helpful team. I look forward to growing and being a part of the amazing culture we have here.