Our environmental staff includes wetland scientists, geologists, soil scientists, and licensed site evaluators who identify and evaluate natural resources on or near sites for consideration during project planning. Site constraints as well as attributes are recognized at the onset and throughout project design, permit acquisition, and construction for a wide variety of clients.
Our experienced team delineates wetlands and streams, conducts vernal pool and other habitat surveys, completes high-intensity soil mapping, and evaluates soil suitability for stormwater management facilities and subsurface wastewater disposal for both small and large engineered systems. This fundamental site information is essential to establishing buffers for sensitive habitats and protecting surface water quality, determining the presence and extent of bedrock/ledge, and identifying areas vulnerable to erosion or sedimentation and underlying groundwater conditions. We also support businesses and landowners with Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) and remediation prior to land transfers or project development.
From this command of site conditions, our environmental scientists, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), and engineering staff work together to identify measures and alternatives to avoid, minimize and mitigate project impacts and to complete watershed modeling for the development of stormwater design solutions along with Stormwater Pollution Plans (SWPP) and Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC) plans. Our environmental expertise is integral to approvals from municipal Planning Boards, Departments of Environmental Protection, the US Army Corps of Engineers, and other state or federal agencies required for project implementation.
- Wetland delineation, functional assessments, permitting, and compensatory mitigation design, construction implementation and monitoring.
- Vernal Pool surveys and Wildlife Habitat identification.
- Soil Surveys and test pit characterization for Stormwater Management and Septic System design.
- Site Suitability and Feasibility Analysis identifying and evaluating- terrain, environmental constraints and attributes, regulatory jurisdiction, alternatives and mitigative measures.
- Site Assessments (ESAs, VRAPs).